Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2011-03-09 Warehouse Fundamentals

2011-03-09 Warehouse Fundamentals

Tips to Grow your Business 3

Leadership and Management: Understanding the Difference

During the many supervisory seminars I have conducted over the years, many new supervisors and managers have told me that their greatest challenge is how to get their colleagues to want to follow them. Usually, they were quite happy being rank and file and keeping below the radar. Somehow, they got noticed and were handed promotions for which they felt they are not quite ready. Now they are tasked to manage and grow the business. They are asking these questions:

  • What tools do I need?
  • What are the best management practices?
  • How do I deal with non-performing and under-performing colleagues?
  • How do I manage older colleagues?
  • How do I resolve conflicts, make decisions, manage time, and manage priorities?
  • What do I need to do different?

As you can see from this short list, some are management issues and the rest are leadership issues. So how do we answer their question? First let us define our terms:


I like to think of management as creating a system that produces predictable results on time, every time. I once ran a small ice plant in San Jose, Antique. My expectation from my operators was for them to produce the rated number of ice blocks every 24 hours. To me, this was management side of the business. I organized and managed the tasks involved in reaching my production target. Management is about tasks and how to accomplish them well.


There are very many definitions of leadership in the literature out there. In this context, I like to think of leadership as getting my people to actually do the work even if I was not watching them like a hawk. My idea of a good leader is when I say “Go this way”, everyone follows. Leadership is about leading people.

Developing Good Management and Leadership Skills

As you can see leadership and management are two very different skills. There are very good managers who are terrible leaders (I put bean counters in this group. Their books of account might be impeccable but the workers are all de-motivated and wish they worked somewhere else). At the same time there are many visionary leaders who cannot be relied upon to wear shoes of the same color (they need their spouses to manage their every day sartorial requirements).

My vision of a great organization is one where the organizational productivity increases while the staff is happy and not overworked. The manager is able maintain a low blood pressure and go home and play with the kids (paying attention to the wife is of vital importance as well).

An effective manager needs to pay attention to the management and leadership requirements of the organization. He needs to become a person that others want to follow and at the same time creates a system that can be relied upon to produce the products of the organization.

Are these skills inherited? Or, can these skills be learned? I believe that these skills can indeed be learned. In the next few weeks I’ll write more about how to become a better manager and leader.

Raffy will be conducting the seminar Essential Skills for New Supervisors and Managers on 18 March 2011. Click here for seminar details. Pre-registration is required.

Slots are limited so register Now!

Please email or call Chili (632) 697 0767 or text her (+63920) 918-7358 for more information. A registration form can be downloaded from our website at Kindly email the registration form to or fax it to (632)-373-2544.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tips to Grow your Business 2

Present like a Professional

The ability to make great presentations is a skill every new manager or business owner must have. Presenting a perfect project plan is a failure if the audience did not understand your presentation or if they were not convinced by your words. One of your major jobs as a manager is to sell your ideas to your superiors and to your colleagues. Your presentation skills could determine your success within the organization.

Making your first presentation as a new manager is one of the most dreaded moments of our corporate lives. But with a little training you can develop your presentation skills. I remember a friend of mine who was mortally afraid of speaking in public. He would always beg off or he would not show up if he knew he would have to speak. But, after some training, he developed his self-confidence and began to speak. Today our challenge is to take the mike away from him.

Four things you need to know

There are at least four things you need to make great presentation. Of course there are many others, but for now let’s concentrate on these four:

Have a Framework to follow

Great presentations are planned and designed to be great. They are not the result of plain good luck or fall from heaven as you sleep. They usually involve a large investment of time and lots of hard work.

Use images or visual aids or convey your Ideas

The old adage “A picture is worth a thousand words” certainly remains true. Perhaps, an additional requirement for this generation is that you need to be able to email it or forward it with your mobile. So, do use a visual aid.

Deliver your presentation with confidence

This can happen only with practice and training. So rehearse and rehearse again.

I recently had the opportunity to provide presentation skills training to a group of senior sales engineers in Saudi Arabia. Surely these sales veterans with at least 5 to 10 years to sales experience did not need to be taught the basics of making presentations. But the management of this multi-national company thought otherwise. So we went through the basics, practiced, and practiced again. At the end, many participants were very happy to have gone through the training. They realized that they had fallen into bad habits and short cuts. The workshop helped them sharpen their presentations and gave them a lot of confidence.

Survive the Q&A with a smile

For many speakers this is the toughest part of the presentation. Many are known to have closed their notes and run off without a word. This is really bad form. The audience is there because they want to hear what you have to say. They may want to have some points clarified. Of course there will be the blowhards who just want to hear themselves speak. But there really is no need to fear. So relax and answer the questions as best you can. You are the expert aren’t you?

If you want to hone your presentation skills, give us call. RMP Consultancy will conduct a workshop on Presentation Skills this Tuesday 15 February 2011 at the RMP Training Center, Rm 204 Languages International Bldg, 926 Arnaiz Ave, Makati City. Pre-registration is required. Please call Chili at Tel. (632) 697 0767 or Text her at +63(920) 918-7358 and Fax. (632) 373-2544. Email us at to make a reservation. A registration form can be downloaded from our website at
Visit our new website at and register to automatically receive seminar updates.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2011-02-08 essential skills for new supervisors and managers

This program teaches the essential skills needed by a new manager or supervisor to step confidently into his new leadership role. It will help make the move into a management role smoother and more successful.

2011-02-08 Essential Skills for New Supervisors and Managers
Posted By rafael On January 12, 2011 (11:36 am) In Upcoming Seminars
Click Seminar Outline to view the detailed outline of this program.

Seminar Investment

Early Bird Rate

Php 4,000.00 + 12% VAT
Registration and Payment must be received one week prior to the seminar.

Regular Rate

Php 4,500.00 + 12% VAT

For Zero Rated Enterprises

Kindly provide us with a copy of your Zero Rated Vat Registration.

Additional Benefits of the seminar

  • Buffet Lunch at a nearby hotel
  • AM and PM snacks
  • Seminar workbook
  • CD of presentation materials
  • Certificate of attendance

Training Methodology

The seminar uses live-facilitation, visual presentations, activity-based learning and games to help the participants truly learn and digest the teaching objectives.


RMP Training Room, Room 204 Languages International Bldg,
926 Arnaiz Ave., San Lorenzo, Makati City

Slots are limited so register Now!

Pre-registration is required. Slots are limited so register Now! Please email or call Chili (632) 697 0767 or text her (+63920) 918-7358 for more information. A registration form can be downloaded from our website at Kindly email the registration form to or fax it to (632)-373-2544.